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Partnership with Missing persons Wall charity

Missing persons Wall recognizes that without donations from companies, corporations, foundations and organizations, groups and individuals, our efforts and mission to find the missing will be impossible. Our collaboration with National police forces, Interpol, governmental and non-governmental organizations such as the Red Cross, National Disaster Centers and private detective agencies and sharing information about missing people globally through social media bring insights in our efforts to find missing people, support families and add value to law enforcement agencies investigations and ultimately aim in helping families worldwide to find closure after the disappearance of a loved one. Please visit our partner websites. These are the organizations with which we have mutual agreements, and we work together to convey information, resources, ideas and hopefully close the many cases that all of our organizations are working on.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find all the missing loved ones alive and return them to their families. That’s why we plan to find a partner company, operating in the Memorial Services niche or, with financial support of our donors, to develop and launch our own Memorial website, which will provide free and premium services to preserve, celebrate and share a loved one’s legacy and resources to support and relieve the pain of loss for all affected families worldwide. We have a working prototype of such a website with free online services and premium or real services to be provided by the network of subcontractors we are going to build.

Business benefits of partnering with a charity

For many corporations and big and small businesses, when sales are precious and revenue growth is critical, a partnership with a charity can be beneficial. First of all, charitable donations are tax deductible. Then, in addition to supporting what you and your customers believe in, many corporations and businesses are finding that partnering with charities enhances a company’s marketing capabilities by increasing brand awareness, business image, and reputation, which in turn helps the company communicate better with clients who, in the opinion of market research, give preference to businesses and companies that actively engage in philanthropy, as well as create important new business connections and networking opportunities. We truly believe that partnering with our charity organization will enable us to make a positive impact on the world and help your company increase its market presence and revenue.


The creation and launch of this website would not have been possible without the generous support that Missing person Wall charitable trust received from an Indian professional website designer who is not indifferent to the painful and urgent international problem of human trafficking and children exploitation.

Help us fight human trafficking, child abuse and exploitation worldwide